West Valley Christian Church is located in the West San Fernando Valley.
circlemap 22450 SHERMAN WAY
Alternate Phone Square (818) 884-6480
circleemail contact@wvcch.org
Praying Hands We believe in the power of prayer. If you are in need, we will pray for you and your specific request.
Please click the button to send your prayer request to our Prayer TEAM prayer@wvcch.org
Envelope Open West Valley sends out a weekly newsletter containing all our current events. If you would like to be on that email list please let our office know by filling out a CONNECTION CARD.
Cross SPEAK TO A PASTOR If you would like to speak to a pastor you can call the church office or email us and we can help you schedule a day & time. You can also fill out the CONNECTION CARD and it has a place to request a call from one of our pastors.
School On our campus we have a Preschool, Elementary School, Middle School and Summer Camp.
If you are interested in a tour or enrollment please contact them for more information.
Main School Office: 818-884-4710
Preschool Office: 818-884-9807
Summer Camp: 818-321-8416 or 818-884-4710
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